As one of the few games left on LJ that still does its own memes fairly often, I propose we have a...
How it works: -Post with your characters. -All characters' icon keywords appear above their heads when they comment. -Comment on the weird signs floating above one another's heads. -Have hilarity ensue.
Anonysanta has been striking again lately, we have new characters and I am very very bored but too tired for thinking, so let's have a character expression meme! Just replace the _ICONURL with the link to that icon and submit the table. ♥
Comment with your characters and other people will respond IC-ly with:
The icon their character enjoys getting most The icon their character enjoys getting least The icon they think your character should use more The icon that they think suits your character best
She's looking into making fun icons of quotes from games. They can be typos such as evokers being fun-like objects (which is from Mayfield) or just generally silly lines like this one! Or even me just being a dick like this one which plurk people will get
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ICON WAAAAAAAAARPretty simple, reply and let other people challenge you, or reply to other people's replies to challenge them! And I think I just made it sound more complicated than it actually is. Whatever
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Comment with you characters and other people will respond IC-ly with:
The icon their character enjoys getting most The icon their character enjoys getting least The icon they think your character should use more The icon that they think suits your character best
And since I always forget the code for showing images is: